Issue - decisions

Offset Strategy

11/10/2024 - Offset Strategy

The Leader introduced the report (previously circulated) of the Chief Executive requesting that consideration be given to the Council pursuing choices available for offsetting its residual emissions.


The submitted report stated that actions had been drawn up with teams across the Council with the aim of reducing emissions as far as possible; it would not be possible for the Council to reduce its emissions to zero, without impacting its ability to deliver services to residents and businesses; and as a result there would be residual emissions that would need to be offset for the Council to be able to report it as carbon neutral.


It was reported that by 2040 the Council would have approximately 1000 tonnes of carbon remaining each year that would need to be offset and that there were several mechanisms by which this could be done, and these were set out in the Offsetting Strategy (also previously circulated), which could include technical solutions; using Council owned land; or purchasing credits elsewhere.


Particular references were made to the financial, legal and HR implications; Estates and Property and Procurement advice; equalities considerations; and consultation undertaken.


Reference was made at the meeting to the support required by local authorities from the government in the offsetting of residual emissions; length of time taken to consider the options available for the offsetting residual emissions; and the need to make progress at pace.  The Leader of the Council responded thereon.


RESOLVED - That the options set out in the ‘way forward’ section, as detailed in Appendix A of the submitted report, be approved.


REASON - The offsetting strategy sets out potential options for the way forward.