Issue - decisions

Consultation on Renewal of Dog Public Space Protection Order

06/07/2023 - Consultation on Renewal of Dog Public Space Protection Orders

The Cabinet Member with the Stronger Communities Portfolio presented the report of the Group Director of Services (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to undertaking a consultation exercise on a potential renewal of the current dog Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) (also previously circulated).


The submitted report stated that the current dog PSPO was introduced on 31 January 2021; it was due to lapse in January 2024; as part of a review on the possible extension of the order, the Council must undertake statutory consultation as part of that review process; and that the consultation would be on the basis of the existing order.


It was reported that although the majority of dog owners and walkers in Darlington behaved responsibly, some related anti-social behaviour (ASB) was still a concern to some residents, businesses and people who visited the Borough.  PSPOs were introduced in the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014; a PSPO was designed to deal with a particular nuisance or problem in an area; the behaviour must be detrimental to the quality of life of those in the community, it must be persistent or continuing and it must be unreasonable; the PSPO could impose restrictions on the use of that area which would apply to everyone who was carrying out that activity; and that the orders were designed to ensure that the law-abiding majority could enjoy public spaces, safely and free from anti-social behaviour.


Particular reference was made, at the meeting, to engagement with the responsible dog ownership group on the renewal of the PSPO.


RESOLVED – (a)  That a consultation period of eight weeks to consider the renewal of the Public Space Protection Orders, for the control of dogs, as detailed in the submitted report, be approved.


(b)  That a further report be submitted to a future meeting of Cabinet following the consultation, approved at (a) above.


REASON - To enable consultation to take place prior to Cabinet making the final decision on whether to renew the PSPO for dog control in Darlington.