Issue - decisions

Corporate Health and Safety Report 2017/18

16/01/2019 - Corporate Health and Safety Report 2017/18

The Managing Director submitted a report (previously circulated) updating Members on the Authority’s performance in relation to health and safety for the financial year 2017/18, which, overall, showed an improvement on the previous year.

It was reported that health and safety continued to be a high priority for the Authority and the main focus for the year had, again, been to continue to embed the health and safety management system and improve health compliance.


A full review of the Corporate Health and Safety Policy had also been undertaken, which reflected the commitment of elected Members and senior management to health and safety within the organisation and that the Council’s General Statement of Intent poster had also been updated and was displayed at various locations throughout the organisation.


Discussion ensued on how verbal abuse and threatening behaviour, including on-line abuse towards both staff and Members was managed, and it was reported that the Employee Protection Register contained details of any individual who may present a potential threat to the safety of an employee, that operating procedures had been reviewed and additional response arrangements had been put in place at all customer facing receptions and that, in certain circumstances, additional action could be taken.


Reference was also made to security arrangements within Council buildings and the need to ensure that all staff and Members wore their ID badges at all times when working and it was suggested that there should be a ‘Council’ standard lanyard, which was easily identifiable.

RESOLVED – That the report be received.