Issue - decisions

Revenue Budget Monitoring 2018/19 - Quarter 1

16/01/2019 - Revenue Budget Monitoring 2018/19 - Quarter 1

The Managing Director submitted a report (previously circulated) advising Members of the quarter 1 revenue budget monitoring report 2018/19.


It was reported that the Council’s projected revenue reserves at the end of 2018/19 were £16.445 million, £0.955 million more than the initial 2018-22 MTFP position and included a brought forward amount of £0.530 million from 2017-18 and the rebasing exercise of £0.425 million.  Of those reserves, it was reported that there was a risk reserve balance of £4.330 million and a commitment to use £11.134 million to support the 2018-22 MTFP, leaving £0.981 million one-off funding to support the general fund moving forward.


RESOLVED – That the report be received.