Issue - decisions

Revised Climate Change Strategy

12/01/2024 - Revised Climate Change Strategy

The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio introduced the report of the Chief Executive (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to the revised Climate Change Strategy (also previously circulated), the net zero trajectory and the Interim Climate Change Action Plan (also previously circulated).


The submitted report stated that following the motion to Council in July 2023, the original Climate Change Strategy needed to be revised; the strategy detailed the Council’s approach to achieving the revised carbon neutral Council target of 2040 adopted in the new motion (Minute 20(7)/Jul/23 refers); the baseline year remained as 2010/11; and that the scope of the Council’s ambition included those areas where emissions were significant, the Council had control over them, and the data was robust.  Some areas of operations did not yet have robust data and it was reported that those areas would continue to be monitored and would be included as and when there was certainty over the data.


It was reported that the baseline carbon footprint had been calculated as 13,100 tonnes CO2e; the carbon footprint had reduced by 50 per cent; the carbon footprint was reported using both market-based reporting and location-based reporting; and that location-based reporting demonstrated the carbon footprint of actual energy usage and market-based reporting considered the choices that were made in where electricity was sourced.  Particular reference was made the four principles of the strategy which underpinned the proposed actions, namely to reduce overall energy consumption; reduce demand for fossil fuel-based energy; contribute to a greener grid; and sequester carbon.


RESOLVED  -  (a)  That the Climate Change Strategy, as detailed at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved.


(b)  That the revised trajectory, as detailed in the submitted report, be approved.


(c)  That the Interim Climate Change Action Plan, as detailed at Appendix 2 to the submitted report, be noted.


REASON  -  With increasing public pressure to act on climate change, the Council run the risk of significant damage to its reputation if it did not deliver on its stated commitment to dealing with the Council’s contribution to climate change.