Issue - decisions

Xentrall Shared Services Annual Report

23/07/2024 - Xentrall Shared Services Annual Report 2023/24

The Leader of the Council introduced the report (previously circulated) of the Group Director of Operations requesting that consideration be given to reviewing the progress and performance of Xentrall Shared Services, the Stockton and Darlington Partnership.


The submitted report outlined the background to the establishment of Xentrall Shared Services, the Stockton and Darlington Partnership, which was established in May 2008 and was now in its seventeenth year; stated the agreement covered ICT, Transactional HR, Transactional Finance and Design and Print; the initial savings that were identified were £7.4M over the original ten year period of the partnership; those savings had been achieved plus additional efficiencies and benefits and significant additional savings; quality and performance of services had improved; and that both Councils had benefited both financially and through a continued programme of service improvements.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted and the continuing success of Xentrall Shared Services, since it was formed, be acknowledged.


REASONS – To allow Members to receive information about the progress of the partnership.