Issue - decisions

Council Plan

23/07/2024 - Key Decision - Darlington Council Plan 2024/27

The Leader of the Council introduced the report (previously circulated) of the Chief Officers Executive presenting the outcome of the public consultation undertaken on the Council Plan and a revised Council Plan (also previously circulated) for approval.


The submitted report outlined the background to the production of the Council Plan outlining the Council’s long term ambitions, its vision for Darlington and priorities for delivery over its life time, and providing the strategic direction to the Council and its services.


It was reported that the draft Council Plan was approved by Cabinet for consultation (Minute C113(1)/Mar/24 refers); the consultation ran from 6 March to 25 April 2024; a survey was developed; a communications plan was implemented to raise awareness of the consultation and encourage feedback; and detailed stakeholder engagement was carried out.


Particular reference was made to the outcome of the consultation which included 315 responses to the survey and to the key changes that were made to the final plan, which had been informed by the responses received to the survey and conversations with stakeholders and residents, during the consultation period.


Reference was made at the meeting to the briefings that had been held with Members and Scrutiny Committees and to the fact that the plan was a strong framework for the Council, however, it was the work that flowed from the plan that was important.


RESOLVED – (a)  That the outcome of the consultation, as detailed at Appendix A to the submitted report, be noted.


(b)  That the revised Council Plan 2024/27, as detailed at Appendix B of the submitted report, be approved.


(c)  That the Council Plan 2024/27 be submitted to Council for endorsement.

REASON - The Council Plan is the strategic document that sets out the Council’s long term ambitions for Darlington and shorter-term priorities and actions.  Approval of the plan is needed to provide guidance to the organisation, and clarity for the public and partners on the Council’s strategic priorities.