Issue - decisions

Application for ???

20/05/2019 - Application to Vary Premise Licence Under Licensing Act 2003 - The Brinkburn Public House

The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report (previously circulated) to consider an application to vary a premise licence in respect of The Brinkburn Public House, Lady Kathryn Grove in light of five letters of objection to the application from local residents.


Present at the meeting were Brian Whelan, Licensing Manager; Brian Murray, Assistant Licensing Manager; Amy Wennington Principal Lawyer; Bethany Symonds, Lawyer; and Allison Hill, Democratic Officer.


The Licensing Manager introduced the application to add the provision of Late Night Refreshment, vary the permitted hours when alcohol may be sold and to vary the opening hours of the premises.


Five letters of objection to the application and one letter in support had been received. No objections had been received from the responsible authorities.


Members also heard from the Phil Scott, North East Business Development Manager, Greene King Brewery and the current Designated Premises Supervisor Karen Davies as to why the variation to the premises licence had been requested.


The Sub-Committee considered the views in accordance with revised guidance issued under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003, the Council’s Licensing Policy in relation to the Licensing Act 2003;  Guidance issued under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 and in accordance with the ‘Licensing Sub-Committees – Full Hearing procedure for Applications for Premises Licences/Club Premises Certificate Where Relevant Representations Have Been Received; and The Licensing Act 2003 (Hearings) Regulations 2005.


In reaching their decision, Members read the objections submitted by local residents and listened to the representations made at the meeting, and concluded that none of the licensing objectives would be compromised by granting your application. The Members particularly noted that there had been no complaints made directly to the premises, or to Licensing or Environmental Health, regarding the issues referenced in the representations received from local residents in response to this application.


The Members also noted the conditions already in existence on the premises licence with regard to control of noise, and the fact that there were no concerns expressed from Licensing about these conditions not being applied or followed by your DPS, and therefore concluded that it would not be necessary or proportionate to add any other conditions at this time.


RESOLVED – That the application to vary the premises licence be approved.