Issue - decisions

Public Consultation on Draft Appraisal for the Northgate Conservation Area including Proposed Boundary Extensions

13/09/2024 - Public Consultation on Draft Appraisal for the Northgate Conservation Area including Proposed Boundary Extension

The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio introduced the report (previously circulated) of the Chief Executive requesting that consideration be given to going out for public consultation with the new draft appraisal (also previously circulated) for the Northgate Conservation Area.


The submitted report outlined the background to the Northgate Conservation Area; the justification for writing a new appraisal for the conservation area including proposals to extend the boundary significantly; the contents of the document; the proposed consultation process; and stated that the conservation area had been on the national Heritage at Risk Register since 2010.


Particular references were made to  the proposed draft character appraisal that was produced, but not finalised, by Land Use Consultants (LUC) on behalf of the Council; the Northgate Urban Design Framework and Masterplan that was also produced by LUC for a large part of the Conservation Area which now formed the strategic direction / vision for regeneration under the Towns Fund Scheme; and to the Conservation Area Assessments – Route of the former Stoctkon & Darlington Railway undertaken by Durham County Council.


RESOLVED – (a)  That the public consultation on the new draft appraisal for the Northgate Conservation Area, be authorised.


(b)  That the draft document be publicised for a period of at least six weeks, to allow members of the public and other stakeholders sufficient time to submit comments.


(c)  That the draft document be amended and finalised in the light of comments received during the public consultation period.


(d)  That the finalised conservation area appraisal be submitted to Members for adoption; this will be subject to another cabinet report.


REASONS – (a) The Northgate Conservation Area is a designated heritage asset of international significance due to its structures and associations directly linked to the birth/early years of the Stockton & Darlington Railway (S&DR) of 1825.  Despite its high importance, it has been on the national Heritage at Risk Register since 2010.


(b)  The bicentennial of the S&DR is next year.  There will be many events in Darlington and elsewhere to celebrate the birth of the modern railway.  The Council is currently making significant investments in preparation for the 2025 celebrations including the redevelopment of the railway heritage quarter (Hopetown) inside the Northgate Conservation Area.


(c)  The bicentennial of the S&DR is also being promoted by Historic England, the government's statutory adviser on the historic environment.  They have provided financial assistance and other support for the Northgate Conservation Area.


(d)  The present appraisal of the Northgate Conservation Area was adopted in January 2007.  It is now deemed inadequate and out of date.


(e)  The new draft appraisal picks up some of the ‘unfinished’ work carried out recently by Durham County Council and Land Use Consultants.  It provides a detailed record and analysis of the Northgate Conservation Area which will be of interest to the public and other stakeholders, as well as some of the Council’s staff (e.g. planning officers).


(f)  The proposed boundary extension areas often relate to development that was influenced by S&DR.  The draft appraisal will draw attention to locally important heritage assets to further public understanding and inform decision making.


(g)  The draft appraisal also includes suggestions to improve the condition of the conservation area so that it may eventually be removed from the Heritage at Risk register.