Issue - decisions

Annual Statement of Accounts 2021/22

10/05/2024 - Auditor's Annual Report 2021/22

The Cabinet Member with the Resources Portfolio introduced the report of the Group Director of Operations (previously circulated) presenting the Auditor’s Annual Report for 2021/22 (both also previously circulated).


The Auditors Annual Report provided a high level summary of the results from the 2021/22 audit work undertaken by Ernst and Young LLP (EY), the Council’s external auditors; confirmed that the Council’s accounts gave a true and fair view for the year ending 31 March 2022; and that the Council had put in place proper arrangements to secure value for money in its use of resources.


In presenting the Annual Report, a representative from Ernst and Young LLP (EY), stated that there had been a sector wide delay in signing off accounts; presented the main findings from the Annual Report; stated there were no matters to raise; and that the certificate had been signed on 12 April 2024.


Reference was made to the delay in signing off the accounts; the additional costs that had been incurred as a result; and how long it would take to clear the backlog.  The Cabinet Member with the Resources Portfolio and the representative from EY responded thereon.


RESOLVED - That the Auditor’s Annual Report 2021/22, as appended to the submitted report, be noted.

REASON – To receive the results of external audit work carried out.