Issue - decisions

Land at Faverdale / Burtree Garden Village 'Cell CH' Feasibility Work

23/07/2024 - Land at Faverdale / Burtree Garden Village 'Cell CH' Feasibility Work

The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio introduced the report (previously circulated) of the Chief Executive requesting that consideration be given to providing feasibility funding to engage the services of Esh Homes Limited to help facilitate an early planning application for the Council owned land, site Cell CH as shown on the plan (also previously circulated), which forms part of Burtree Garden Village, and to incurring the associated costs.


The submitted report outlined the background to the proposal to develop site Cell CH, circa 14.16 hectares (35 acres) of Council land, which formed part of the Burtree Garden Village, which was declared surplus to requirements, as a potential Joint Venture development.


It was reported that planning permission for Phase 1 of the Burtree Garden Village development had been granted and included the strategic infrastructure and spine road which would provide the necessary access to open up site Cell CH; the Council land sat outside of Phase 1; the feasibility works would be procured by Esh Homes Limited and the Council in compliance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules and the Public Contracts Regulations 2015; and stated that the feasibility works were required to support a detailed residential planning application for the site.


A written question from a member of the public was read out at the meeting requesting that a guarantee be given that at least 20 per cent of much needed affordable housing allocation would be delivered on Cell CH.  Reference was also made at the meeting to the need for affordable housing in certain areas, as detailed in the Local Plan, and that the public would be concerned if this did not happen.  The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio responded thereon.


RESOLVED – (a)  That the costs identified in Appendix 3 of the submitted report, be approved, and the release of the funding necessary to enable Esh Homes Ltd and the Council to undertake the feasibility work required to submit a planning application, be authorised.


(b)  That the Assistant Director for Law and Governance be authorised to execute the necessary documents.


REASONS  - (a)  To provide a site capable of contributing to the delivery of new Housing and other affordable/social homes to satisfy the Borough’s housing need.


(b)  To achieve a capital receipt for the Council and increased Council Tax receipts from new homes.