Issue - decisions

Flexible Tenancies for Under 35's

11/12/2018 - Flexible Tenancies for Under 35's

Pursuant to Minute C159/May/17, the Cabinet Member with the Housing, Health and Partnerships Portfolio introduced the report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to a change the Council’s Tenancy Policy to remove the need to provide two year Flexible Tenancies to single people aged 35 or under.


The submitted report stated that the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) cap was proposed by the Government in 2015; the introduction of the LHA cap would have particularly affected single people aged under 35 and as a consequence it was agreed that people aged under 35 who took up a new tenancy would be offered a two year flexible tenancy to limit the risk of tenancy failure (Minute C159/May/17 refers); and that as the Government had subsequently decided not to introduce the LHA Cap and not to enact the provisions in the Housing and Planning Act 2016 that would have forced Local Authorities to let all properties on Flexible Tenancies, there was now no need to treat new single tenants under the age of 35 differently to other tenants.


RESOLVED – (a)  That the specific requirement to offer two year flexible tenancies to single people aged under 35, be removed.


(b)  That anyone who has been allocated a two year flexible tenancy should be given the opportunity to transfer to a secure tenancy.


REASON –  The Government have made a number of policy changes removing the risks associated with the introduction of the LHA cap and therefore removing the need for a two year flexible tenancy to address the risks.