Issue - decisions

Calendar of Council and Committee Meetings

07/02/2025 - Calendar of Council and Committee Meetings

The Leader introduced the report (previously circulated) of the Executive Director of Resources and Governance requesting that consideration be given to the Calendar of Council and Committee Meetings for the 2025/26 Municipal Year (also previously circulated).


RESOLVED – (a)  That the Calendar of Council and Committee Meetings 2025/26, as appended to the submitted report, be approved.


(b)  That the proposed dates for the meetings of Council be referred to the Annual Council meeting scheduled to be held on Thursday 22 May 2025, for approval.


(c)  That the dates of the first meeting of each of the Committees, be agreed, and the proposed dates for future meetings, as detailed in the calendar as appended to the submitted report, be considered by each Committee at their first meeting in the 2025/26 Municipal Year.


REASON – (a)  To ensure that the calendar of meetings is approved to assist with forward planning.


(b)  To enable the meetings of Council to be approved.


(c)  To enable each individual Committee to consider the dates for their respective meetings.