The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio introduced the report (previously circulated) of the Chief Executive updating Cabinet on progress made towards the Council’s net zero target.
The submitted report stated that the Climate Emergency Declaration agreed that a six-month interim report be produced; there was no emissions data as this was gathered annually; a Climate Change Seminar for Members was held in September; the Darlington Eco Fair was held in June with more than 5,000 people passing through the marquee; the Highway Asset Management annual maintenance programme for 2023/24 demonstrated a total reduction of over 348 tonnes in CO2 emissions; some delivery data of actions had been reviewed; work had been undertaken to calculate the carbon sequestration potential of council land; and that the Housing Service was bidding for Wave 3 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund, which would benefit 1,600 council properties.
Reference was made to emissions up to the end of 2023/24; electricity generation from the solar panels on the roof of the Town Hall; emissions trajectory; and the status of the action points.
Particular reference was made at the meeting to the work of the Climate Change Working Group, Climate Change Officers and the Communications Team, and the possibility of holding a rolling programme of briefings to Members on the Action Plan. The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio responded thereon.
RESOLVED - That the report be noted.
REASON – Due to the increasing public pressure to act on climate change, the Council will run the risk of significant damage to its reputation if it does not deliver on its stated commitment to dealing with the Council’s contribution to climate change.