Issue - decisions

Council Tax Recovery

14/03/2019 - Council Tax Recovery

The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report (previously circulated) providing an overview of the Council’s Council Tax recovery process and collection performance.


It was reported that the collection of Council Tax, which was a key priority for the Council, had been particularly challenging over the last few years with the difficult economic climate and the introduction of the Council Tax Support Scheme in 2013, however, overall collection performance was good and the collection of arrears was well managed, with dedicated recovery staff actively pursuing the higher debts and those who deliberately avoided paying.


Discussion ensued on the collection of Council tax for those in receipt of support and it was reported that this was generally successful, with in-year collection for these people being around 80 per cent; the income received from Council Tax; and the continual process to chase historic arrears, taking into account the likelihood of recovery in the most economical way, with the resources available.


RESOLVED – That the report be received.