Issue - decisions

Work Programme.

11/07/2019 - Work Programme

The Managing Director submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to this Scrutiny Committee’s work programme for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2018/19.


The Lead Officer provided Members with an updated position in relation to individual items within the schedule.


Discussion ensued on the need to convene a Special meeting to give consideration to the updated Local Plan and that this should include the Economic Strategy, Housing Strategy and Car Parking Strategy; the need for an update report on Indoor/Outdoor Market, Rail Heritage; Tees Valley Combined Authority Transport Strategy; as well as updates on Community Safety and Strategic Sites Development Programme.


Reference was made to the intention to convene Special meetings to consider the Performance Indicators on a bi-annual basis.


The Planning Policy Officer updated Members on the current position of Broadband Infrastructure delivery in Darlington and advised that due to complications, the Broadband infrastructure rollout programme had stalled as government were no longer funding Fibre to the cabinet (FTTC). It was reported that work was progressing to identify alternative solutions; that the £350,000 funding from the Tees Valley Combined Authority remained, but that without match funding from the government this would not cover the 3612 premises in Darlington that were without Superfast Broadband.


Members voiced concern in respect of the future of Broadband in Darlington and agreed that Broadband infrastructure should be a key priority for the town.

In light of the update it was agreed that Broadband Infrastructure delivery in Darlington would remain on the work plan for this Scrutiny Committee.


RESOLVED – (a) That the current status of the Work Programme be noted.


(b) That the Work Programme be updated to reflect the decisions of this Scrutiny Committee.