Issue - decisions

Review of Customer Engagement

09/07/2019 - Review of Customer Engagement

The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report (previously circulated) updating Members on the results of a review of customer engagement in housing and giving an update on the proposed changes resulting from the review.


The submitted report referred to the difficulties in the recruitment of tenants to the current engagement model,  the need for a shift towards digital means of communications; a proposed reduction in the number of editions of Housing Connect and the use of social media for engagement including Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp groups. It was also proposed that a Tenants Forum be established, consolidating a number of existing Tenant Panels; and that the proposed changes would be implemented in April 2019 and be completed by March 2020.


It was reported that there had been a high level of engagement by tenants within their local communities and that this engagement at a local level would be further tested through a programme of events in local communities.


Members of the Tenants Panel who were in attendance at the meeting gave their support to the proposed changes, stated that the new methods of engagement would be more inclusive and the digital approach would encourage younger tenants to engage.


RESOLVED – That the proposed changes to the customer engagement model in housing, be noted.