Issue - decisions

Strategic Sites Development Programme Darlington Town Centre

11/07/2019 - Strategic Sites Development Programme Darlington Town Centre

The Cabinet Member with the Economy and Regeneration Portfolio provided Members with an update on the report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services (previously circulated) which had been considered by Cabinet, at its meeting held on 8 January 2019.


The submitted report detailed emerging high-level thoughts and the future development of proposals that would encourage further investment on key strategic sites in Darlington town centre. A PowerPoint presentation given by the Cabinet Member with the Economy and Regeneration Portfolio also accompanied the submitted report.


It was reported that Darlington was in the UK top ten best performing economies; its economy had grown consistently for three years and that it was rated the third highest retail town in the North East behind Newcastle and the Metro Centre; it was also reported that Darlington faced a number of challenges including higher than national vacancy rates, a reduction in footfall, high profile large vacant units, a high reliance on retail, low amount of quality business accommodation, small number of residential accommodation in the town centre, and issues with community safety and a lack green space and facilities.


Reference was made to the Cornmill Centre which faced similar reductions in footfall and increased vacant units and Members were assured that work was being undertaken with the Town Centre Reference Group to address these issues; and that this Scrutiny Committee would continue to monitor footfall trends within the town centre.


Members were informed of the objectives to improve the economic wellbeing and vitality of the town centre; that funding had been secured to invest into Darlington’s heritage assets with a focus on the 2025 celebrations for Stockton and Darlington Railway; refurbishment and redevelopment plans for the Indoor Victorian Market were due to be published for a period of consultation; and that a bid would be submitted to the Future High Street Fund to support the objectives to improve Darlington town centre.


Concern was raised by Members in respect of the perception of crime in Darlington and that residents felt that the town centre was a dangerous place. It was reported that crime was down; there was a robust approach to tackling crime and anti-social behaviour in the town centre, including the introduction of the Public Space Protection Order on 1 March 2019; and that the town centre was a safe place but that perceptions would take time to change.


Following a question in relation to the location of the Outdoor Market, Scrutiny was informed that consultation had been undertaken by the Council and Market Asset Management (MAM) with market traders who preferred to remain on High Row due to greater footfall.


A Member in attendance at the meeting highlighted the need for greater promotion of tourism in Darlington. There was agreement that more needed to be done to improve tourism and Members were advised that the Town Centre Reference Group had worked with businesses to develop a new map of the town centre; and the work planned for 2025 celebrations for Stockton and Darlington Railway would benefit the economy.


Members queried the mention of business rates within the Spring Statement which was due to be published on 13 March 2019; Members were in agreement that business rates did need to change, but that the local authority was limited in what it could do due to the high level of demand led expenditure in the local authority.


RESOLVED – (a) That the report be received.


(b) That the thanks of this Scrutiny Committee be extended to the Cabinet Member with the Economy and Regeneration Portfolio for his informative presentation.


(c) That this Scrutiny Committee be updated on the outcome of the Future High Streets Fund bid.