Issue - decisions

Performance Indicators Q3 2018/19

16/07/2019 - Performance Indicators Q3 2018/19

The Managing Director submitted a report (previously circulated) giving an update on performance at quarter 3 against those performance indicators which were within the remit of this Scrutiny Committee.

Particular reference was made to the year on year improvement in sickness absence within the Authority which was 0.75 days per full-time equivalent better than in 2017/18 and the Assistant Director Resources reported that this was, in part, due to the proactive work being undertaken by HR Managers, in conjunction with service managers to target areas of concern and ensure that all long-term absences were managed appropriately and that reviews were taking place for short-term absences.  It was also reported that it was felt that the wellbeing programme which had been running for the last couple of years had had a positive impact of the sickness absence figures, particularly in regard to stress and mental health.   


It was reported that three indicators were showing performance better than at this time last year and they were in relation to reportable accidents/ill health, number of complaints upheld by the Information Commissioners Office and staff turnover.  In relation to staff turnover, Scrutiny was pleased to note the low staff turnover position of 5.2 per cent at quarter 3 as generally, below ten per cent was considered healthy and showed an engaged workforce.

Discussion ensued on the indicator in relation to contracted spend as a percentage of total non-salary spend which was not on track at the end of quarter 3 to achieve the year-end target as the contracts register might not be capturing all the contracted spend under £10,000 and because of differences with the suppliers listed on the contracts register and the details appearing on the Council’s financial system, Agresso.  Officers reported that work was being done to address these issues and that, in particular, the Corporate Procurement Team were undertaking on-going work with Officers to raise awareness of the need to update the contracts register with details of sub £10,000 spend.  


RESOLVED – That the report be received.