Issue - decisions

Performance Indicators Quarter 4 and Proposed Indicators for 2018-19

16/01/2019 - Performance Indicators Quarter 4 and Proposed Indicators for 2018-19

The Performance Manager submitted a report (previously circulated) providing Members with outturn performance data against key performance indicators for 2017/18; requesting consideration be given to the proposed basket of performance indicators for 2018/19; and to note the proposed schedule of performance reporting for 2018/19.


The submitted report provided performance information in line with an indicator set and Scrutiny Committee distribution agreed by Monitoring and Coordination Group on 12 June 2017, and subsequently by Scrutiny Committee Chairs.  The indicators were aligned with key priorities and the majority used to monitor the Corporate Plan 2017/21.


Members were advised that of the 31 indicators reported to Place Scrutiny Committee 15 (fifteen) were reported annually, a further 15 (fifteen) reported quarterly, and 1 (one) reported 6 monthly at Quarters 2 and 4.  It was also stated that annual information was available at Quarter 4 (outturn) and therefore information for all indicators monitored by the Place Scrutiny Committee was included within the submitted report with the exception of ENV 009 per cent of household waste that is collected that is either reused, recycled or composted.  ENV 009 data is reported quarterly in arrears therefore Q3 performance data was included in the submitted report.


Particular reference was made to the 30 indicators for which outturn data was available and of those 18 had year-end targets with nine achieving or exceeding target and nine not achieving year end targets.  Of the twelve indicators with no year-end targets seven had exceeded out-turn performance and five showed performance worse than out-turn performance last year.


It was also that reported that Assistant Directors had reviewed the indicator set in order to ensure continued relevance to Scrutiny Committee’s work programme for 2018/19 and some additional indicators had been suggested for inclusion for 2018/19 where they had been subject to discussion during 2017/18 or related to current areas of interest of this Scrutiny Committees.  Additional indicators for this Committee for 2018/19 included CUL 037 Number of shows at the Hippodrome; CUL 078 Number of attendances at the Hippodrome; CUL 067 Number of ICT sessions at the library; CUL 078 Number of shows at the Hullabaloo; CUL 079 Number of attendances at the Hullabaloo; ENV 006 Total number of fly tips reported; ENV 023 Number of prosecutions for fly-tipping; and TCP 101 Bus punctuality – percentage of buses arriving on time.


Details were provided of the proposed quarterly performance reporting schedule of Q1 - October 2018; Q2 - December 2018; Q3 - March 2019; and Q4 - June/July 2019.


Discussion ensued on the calculation of CUL 065 Number of visits to the Library which continues to decline; the offer provided by the Hippodrome and work the Creative Darlington Manager was undertaking with the Arts Council to provide community based programmes; planning permission implementation periods of one year to 18 months to ensure developers do not land bank; alternative methods to record ENV 001 Number of Ward members who are leading or are involved in a litter or grounds maintenance based project; calculation of ENV 005 Local Environmental Quality Survey percentage of 75 transepts inspected that pass the Litter Code of Practice; ENV 009 end of year figures being available in July; publication of the Strategic Transport Plan in Autumn 2018 following consultation which should address TCP 900 Overall public satisfaction with Public Transport Theme (National Highways and Transport Survey); and TCP 200 Percentage of principal roads where maintenance should be considered to include a target for pot hole repairs.


RESOLVED – (a) That the submitted report be noted.


(b) That, with the inclusion of an indicator relating to pot holes, the proposed basket of performance indicators for 2018/19 be agreed.


(c) That the scheduled for performance reporting for 2018/19 be noted.


(d) That a representative from the Tees Valley Combined Authority be invited to attend a future meeting of this Scrutiny Committee to give consideration to the Tees Valley Combined Authority Strategic Transport Plan.