Issue - decisions

Performance Indicators Q4 2018/19

13/09/2019 - Performance Indicators Quarter 4 2018/19

The Head of Strategy, Performance and Communications submitted a report (previously circulated) providing Members with an update on performance against those key performance indicators within the remit of this Scrutiny Committee for the period 2018/19.


The submitted report provided performance information in line with an indicator set and Scrutiny Committee distribution agreed by Monitoring and Coordination Group on 4 June 2018, and subsequently by scrutiny committee chairs. The indicators were aligned with key priorities and the majority used to monitor the Corporate Plan 2017/21.


Members were advised that of the 39 indicators reported to this Scrutiny Committee 17 were reported annually, a further 21 reported quarterly, and one reported six monthly at Quarters 2 and 4.


It was reported that of the 25 indicators which had year-end targets, two of these did not have data available, 11 of these achieved year-end target and 12 did not achieve year-end target. Of the 14 indicators with no year-end targets, 11 of these did not have previous year’s data to compare with, six had exceeded outturn performance and five showed performance worse than outturn performance last year.


In relation to CUL 037 – Number of shows held at the Hippodrome and CUL 038 – Number of individual attendances at Hippodrome theatre shows, it was reported that although the end of year targets were not met, in terms of financial targets it had been a successful year. Members requested that the Hippodrome be referred to as its proper name Darlington Hippodrome.


CUL 065 – Number of physical visits to the library had continued to decline in 2018/19, Members queried as to whether this decline was due to perception of the library closing and if opening Cockerton Library full time would help to address the decline in visits. Members were informed that the decline was a national issue; there was a strong programme of events to increase footfall; discussions were ongoing in respect of library services; and an update would be provided to a future meeting of this Scrutiny Committee. Members made reference to the good work of the book club.


Members highlighted concern in respect of ECI 329 – average annual income - Darlington residents which had seen a decline. It was reported that this was a general trend reflected across the Tees Valley and was being monitored by the Tees Valley Combined Authority.


Discussion ensued in respect of the Town Centre strategy including the consideration of mixed use buildings in Skinnergate and Members highlighted the need to provide support to businesses in the town.


In relation to REG 308 – percentage of premises broadly compliant for food hygiene, Members raised concern regarding the prevalence of online food establishments and delivery services and queried how these were monitored. It was agreed that a presentation in respect of the work of the Environmental Health team be provided at a future meeting.


Members sought clarification in respect of target times for the removal of fly tips and it was agreed that target times would be shared with Members for information.


Members also sought clarification as to which of the underperforming performance indicators should be the main focus of this scrutiny committee and it was confirmed that work was being undertaken to include tolerance levels into the performance reporting and that this would provide context to Members when reviewing the performance indicators.


RESOLVED – That the submitted report be noted.