Issue - decisions

Local Plan Task and Finish Group Update

13/09/2019 - Local Plan Task and Finish Review Group - Progress Report

The Chair of the Task and Finish Review Group submitted a report (previously circulated) updating Members on the work undertaken by a Task and Finish Group established to look at the proposed draft Local Plan 2016-36.


The submitted report stated that a Task and Finish Review Group was held with Members of this Scrutiny Committee to consider the draft Cabinet Report on the proposed draft Local Plan; that Members agreed to the recommendations contained within the draft report; and that these views would be fed back to Cabinet at its meeting on 9 July 2019.


Discussion ensued in respect of the planned access roads for the Skerningham development; a Member in attendance at the meeting questioned how critical the proposed road through Springfield Park was in terms of access to the development and stated that as this had not been modelled there was no evidence that the road was critical; and a member of the public highlighted the importance of Springfield Park to the community. Members queried the use of the existing road, Green Lane, which would minimise impact on the park and requested a formal response from the responsible Officer.


Concern was raised in respect of road classification, particularly in relation to Bishopton Lane which could be used to alleviate pressures on the roads; it was stated that this road was heavily used especially during peak times and that this was a C class road that was not recommended for an upgrade.


A member of the public in attendance at the meeting voiced their concern in respect of the number of access roads to Skerningham garden village and questioned the need for two developments with garden village status in Darlington. It was confirmed that the bidding system for garden village status was open to any developers who wished to apply.


RESOLVED – (a) That the recommendations from the Task and Finish Review Group be noted and agreed by this Scrutiny Committee and that Cabinet be advised of this decision.


(b) That Cabinet be advised of this Scrutiny Committee’s view that, as there was no modelled evidence to suggest the Springfield Park access road was critical, that this should be removed from the Plan and that paragraph 6.10.13 be removed from the Draft Local Plan.