The Cabinet Member with Community Safety Portfolio introduced the report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to proceeding with an eight week period of public consultation to replace previous Dog Control Orders, with Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO’s), and introduce wider powers concerning the walking and supervision of dogs and the exclusion of dogs from cemeteries (with some exceptions).
The submitted report stated that should the Council wish to enforce the provisions within the existing Dog Control Orders, which lapsed under legislation in October 2017, they would need to be replaced by 20 October 2020 with PSPO’s; consultation would need to be undertaken prior to the PSPO’s being implemented; dog related anti-social behaviour was still a concern to some residents and businesses; PSPO’s were introduced in the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014; a PSPO was designed to deal with a particular nuisance or problem in an area, which must have a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the community; and that the PSPO’s were designed to ensure that the law-abiding majority could enjoy public spaces, safely and free from anti-social behaviour.
Members of the public and representatives from dog walking businesses within the Borough, in attendance at the meeting, addressed Cabinet in respect of the proposal to replace the current dog control orders with Public Space Protection Orders and the proposal to limit the number of dogs that could be walked at the same time to four dogs.
Particular references were made to the differences between Dog Control Orders and PSPO’s; the impact that the change from Dog Control Orders to PSPS’s would have on responsible dog owners/walkers; the need to educate people rather than prosecute; the number of dogs that could be walked at the same time and the implications of introducing the proposed limit; to the fact that responsible dog owners/walkers were being penalised for those irresponsible dog owners/walkers; to the need to address and tackle the problems caused by irresponsible dog owners/walkers; and the consultation process.
The Cabinet Member with the Community Safety Portfolio responded to the issues raised, and in doing so, welcomed the comments raised at the meeting and encouraged as many people as posisble to respond to the consultation on the proposals.
RESOLVED - That a consultation period of eight weeks (prior to a further report being submitted to Cabinet) to consider the implementation of Public Space Protection Orders for control of dogs, as detailed in the submitted report, be approved.
REASON - To enable consultation to take place prior to Cabinet making the final decision on whether or not to introduce new PSPOs for dog control in Darlington.