Issue - decisions

Designation of Middleton St George Neighbourhood Planning Area for the purpose of the Neighbourhood Planning

01/08/2019 - Designation of Middleton St George Neighbourhood Planning Area for the purpose of the Neighbourhood Planning

To designate Middleton St George Neighbourhood Area for the purpose of Neighbourhood Planning.
Parish boundaries are historic and not developed with Neighbourhood Planning in mind. However, legislation and regulations encourage and seek to expedite neighbourhood planning in Parish areas.
The Neighbourhood Area consists of the Middleton St George Parish area but excluding land at Durham Tees Valley Airport. The airport is regarded as a strategic transport infrastructure of sub-regional significant to the Tees Valley. The purpose of neighbourhood planning is intended to serve local issues and therefore it is considered inappropriate that decisions of sub-regional importance be dealt with through the Neighbourhood Plan process. It is therefore considered appropriate that the airport has been excluded from the area proposed.
The proposed area is relatively small in comparison to neighbourhood areas elsewhere, however the Parish Council has not sought to designate a large area in collaboration with neighbouring parishes. There are no known planning or cross boundary issues which would require a larger area to be designated. Officers consider that it would be appropriate to designate the area as a Neighbourhood Area.