Issue - decisions

Local Transport Plan

06/03/2020 - Local Transport Plan

The Cabinet Member with the Local Services Portfolio introduced the report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services (previously circulated) providing Members with an annual update on highways and transport from a regional and local perspective; outlining the delivery, performance and public satisfaction in 2019/20; requesting that consideration be given to the 2020/21 programme;  and providing an update on the development of the Tees Valley Strategic Transport Plan and the proposed framework for consultation on the Darlington Local Implementation Plan.


The submitted report stated that in terms of delivery of the transport capital programme the Council had substantially completed the National Productivity Investment Plan funded programme of schemes which were improving access to the Eastern Growth Zone; the Sustainable Access to Employment Programme had funded the Allington Way cycle route, completed in February 2020; a funding application had been submitted for the ‘Rethinking Victoria Road’ scheme; additional Council funding had been used to tackle the condition of the unclassified road network, mainly in residential streets; and that generally public satisfaction with transport and highways was positive, with Darlington scoring above the national average across all categories in the annual independent survey undertaken by National Highways and Transport Network.


It was reported that the Tees Valley Combined Authority had approved the Strategic Transport Plan 2019/29 and its subsidiary documents for Bus, Rail, Freight, Road, Walking and Cycling; those plans would help to direct the investment of £256.7million into transport projects across the Tees Valley in the period 2019/29; and that Darlington would benefit directly from this investment in the development of the Darlington Northern Link Road, Darlington Station Growth Hub, bus improvement corridors, Demand Responsive Transport, travel behaviour programmes, upgraded Urban Traffic Management and Control System, Wheels to Work, Local Cycling and Walking Improvement Plan investment and electric vehicle charging infrastructure.


It was also reported that each of the five constituent local authorities needed to produce a Local Implementation Plan to set out how the local policies and programmes would support the delivery of the Strategic Transport Plan and deliver local transport to meet the local priorities; Darlington had set out a framework as the basis for consultation; other plans would need to be reviewed to reflect and support the ambitions set out in the Local Implementation Plan; and that this would include the Rights of Way Improvement Plan, Parking Strategy, Speed Management Strategy and Asset Management Plan.


Particular reference was made to the proposal to extend a number of changes to town centre car parking charges that had been introduced on 1 November 2019, following approval by Cabinet (Minute C55(3)/Oct/19 refers) until a more comprehensive review of the parking strategy was completed in 2020/21.


Particular reference was made to the possibility of introducing some of the bus services that had been cut previously and on the possibility of introducing good practice from elsewhere, to further encourage people to use other forms of transport and keep traffic away from certain areas such as schools.


RESOLVED - (a)  That the progress in delivering the Local Transport Plan, as detailed in the submitted report, be noted, and the release of £0.866m Integrated Transport Block and £1.689m Highway Maintenance Funding (£1.398m plus £0.291m incentive funding, subject to Department for Transport confirmation) to deliver the 2020/21 transport programme, be agreed.


(b)  That the Pothole Fund monies, the amount to be announced, awarded by the Department for Transport, be released.


(c)  That £500k, for maintenance of unclassified roads and £500k bridge parapet works in line with the capital programme approved in April 2017, be released.


(d)  That delegate authority be given to the Director of Economic Growth, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Local Services to agree bidding on external funding opportunities, and if successful, release the funding, including the Highways Maintenance Challenge Fund and the Local Pinch Point bid, should the Expression of Interest be approved by the Department for Transport and it be noted that other national funds were due to be announced and further bids would be submitted.


(e)  That £150,000, for Advanced Design Fees to bring forward projects and to prepare sites for development, be released.


(f)  That the Local Implementation Plan framework, as appended to the submitted report, be approved as the basis for consultation in 2020.


(g)  That the current parking offers previously agreed by Cabinet, be extended, into 2020/21 whilst the parking strategy was being reviewed.


REASONS - (a)  To continue to deliver Darlington’s Transport Strategy as set out in the Third Local Transport Plan until a new Local Implementation Plan is adopted.


(b)  To maximise the opportunities to maintain the highway asset for the benefit of all road users.?????


(c)  To continue to address the deterioration in the unclassified road network.


(d)  To maximise the potential for investment in Darlington and to underpin our economic growth priorities, specifically supporting improved access to the town centre and north west growth zone.


(e)  To provide funding for regeneration projects and bring sites forward for development.


(f)  To enable residents, businesses and organisations to help shape the transport strategy for Darlington.


(g)  To support the town centre economy.