Issue - decisions

The Northgate Initiative

06/12/2019 - The Northgate Initiative

The Cabinet Member with the Stronger Communities Portfolio introduced the report of the Managing Director (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to the introduction of an initiative in the Northgate Ward, aiming to work with partner agencies to address a broad range of issues including environment, education, health, employment, safety and social relationships.


The submitted report stated that the initiative would comprise a multi-agency programme to pilot a range of interventions, from support to advice to enforcement activities where required in order to improve outcomes for local residents in all areas of wellbeing, including economy, education and childhood, health, environment and social relationships; the work would focus on the area of the Northgate Ward to the west of North Road; outlined the terms of reference of the initiative; next steps; governance arrangements; financial, legal and HR implications; and equalities considerations.


Discussion ensued on the funding of the initiative; the provision of an additional post; involvement of the Ward Councillors in the initiative; the sustainability of the project; the importance of receiving feedback on the project; and the implications for those living in poverty, particularly children.


RESOLVED - (a)  That the Northgate Initiative, as detailed in the submitted report, be approved.


(b)  That the proposal to earmark £100,000 from the Futures Fund for the project initiation, be noted.


REASONS - (a)  Northgate ward has one of the highest concentrations of private rented property in the borough.


(b)  There is also a relatively high number of younger deprived families living in the area, suffering from a range of interrelated issues of deprivation including child poverty, fuel poverty, high incidences of crime and antisocial behaviour and poor health outcomes.


(c)  To allocate funding to the initiative.