Issue - decisions

Objection to Waiting Restrictions in Banks Road

06/03/2020 - Proposed Waiting Restrictions Banks Road - Objections

The Cabinet Member with the Local Services Portfolio introduced the report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services (previously circulated) advising Members of an objection received to a proposal for waiting restrictions on Banks Road and seeking a decision on whether to proceed with the proposal.


The submitted report stated that concerns were received from a business on Banks Road with regard to the parking at the junction of Banks Road/McMullen Road; a proposal for waiting restrictions to resolve the traffic flow and road safety issues was consulted upon; following comments received on this proposal, further waiting restrictions were proposed; and that an objection had been received to the amended proposal.


In introducing the report the Cabinet Member with the Local Services Portfolio stated that although the parking on the highway did cause issues for both businesses and users of the estate, she understood the concern and the potential impact on the business of the objector.


RESOLVED – (a) That the objection be set aside, to enable the restrictions, as detailed in the submitted report, to be progressed but they be implemented on a phased basis.


(b)  That the waiting restrictions proposed at the junction of Banks Road and McMullen Road be introduced as soon as practicably possible.


(c)  That the introduction of the waiting restrictions on the wider estate be delayed for a period of six months whilst private arrangements and enquiries with the Council were developed to create alternative off-street parking arrangements.


REASON - To improve the traffic flow and road safety of Banks Road.  The Council, acting in its capacity as the Highway Authority, have a duty of care to ensure the safety of the travelling public and a duty under the Traffic Management Act 2004 to maintain the expeditious movement of traffic.