Issue - decisions

Crown Street Library Trustees

06/03/2020 - Crown Street Library Trustees

The Leader introduced the report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to the appointment of trustees of the Crown Street Library and to approve the Crown Street Library Trustee Board terms of reference (also previously circulated).


The submitted report outlined the background to the appointment of the Trustees; stated that following the appointments the Council would no longer be sole trustee; that the appointment of independent trustees would help in giving more formal recognition to the role of the wider community, given the original aims of the bequest of Edward Pease; and that the terms of reference would help clarify its purpose and the role of trustees.


RESOLVED - (a)  That the Crown Street Library Trustee Board terms of reference, as appended to the submitted report, be approved.


(b)  That the appointment of Elizabeth Dodds, Yvonne Richardson and Matthew Roche as trustees of the Crown Street Library Trustee Board, be agreed.


(c)  That the appointment of the Leader as the Council’s nominated trustee on the Crown Street Library Trustee Board, be agreed.


REASONS - (a)  To give more formal recognition to the role of the wider community, by the appointment of independent trustees.


(b)  To avoid potential future conflicts of interest between the Council’s service provider role and the building trustee role, by having independent trustees who will be able to discharge the trustee role.


(c)  To confirm the Council’s representation on the Crown Street Library Trustee Board.


(d)  To clarify the terms of reference of the Crown Street Library Trustee Board.