Issue - decisions


16/01/2019 - Update

The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report (previously circulated) to provide Members with an update on the roll-out of Universal Credit in Darlington and the potential impact on residents and Council services.


It was reported that Universal Credit was replacing a number of existing means tested benefits for working age people, including Housing Benefit administered by the Council and began to roll out in Darlington in November 2015.   The full roll-out commenced on 20 June 2018 so most working people making a new claim to benefit or reporting a significant change in their circumstances will now claim Universal Credit.


There are a number of measures and sources of advice and support in place to help residents to claim Universal Credit successfully and these were also detailed in the submitted report.


It was noted that implementation of Universal Credit had been successful in Darlington with the support of the Job Centre and the Department for Works and Pensions and the Chair acknowledged the hard work of all staff putting in place support for residents.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.