Issue - decisions

Better Care Fund.

16/01/2019 - Better Care Fund

The Director of Children and Adults Services submitted a report (previously circulated) to update Members on the delivery of the 2017-2019 Better Care Fund submitted and associated plans and the updated guidance received in July 2018 in respect of the second year of the plan; and to provide a short glossary of terms used across health and adult social care.


The submitted report outlined the seven broad workstreams of the plan to support the delivery of the Better Care Fund in the priority areas; the additional grant funding to Adult Social Care which will be used to offset expenditure on current pressures and demand to ensure sustainability while the service undergoes transformation; and provided a summary of the 2017/18 quarter 4 (year end) monitoring requirements to ensure that Darlington complies with the national conditions attached to the Better Care Fund.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.