Issue - decisions

Climate Change - Update

15/01/2021 - Climate Change - Update

The Leader introduced the report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services (previously circulated) providing an update on the climate change work; progress of the Council’s journey to carbon neutrality; and responding to the motion approved at the Council meeting of November 2020.


The submitted report stated that the Climate Change Strategy was approved by Cabinet at its meeting held in July 2020 (Minute C7(3)/Jul/20 refers); the strategy built on achievements already delivered and set out the principles for achieving a carbon neutral Council; work was ongoing to develop a Climate Change Action Plan; Lead Officers were engaged in developing the action plan and a draft would be placed in front of Members for comment at the earliest opportunity; and outlined the actions that had been completed since July 2020.


In response to questions raised by the Parkland Heritage Network, the Leader reported that all political groups would be represented on the Working Group; the Sustainability and Climate Change Lead Officer would attend all meetings of the Working Group; and that only the Leader and the Sustainability and Climate Change Lead Officer would attend the National Climate Change Conference, and that they would provide a full briefing on the Conference to the Group.


Particular reference was made at the meeting to including emissions from council houses, aviation and the Council’s waste incinerator, in the scope of the work undertaken by the working group, in achieving a carbon neutral Council.  The Leader and the Cabinet Members with Health and Housing and Local Services responded thereon.


RESOLVED -  (a)  That the update of the progress on climate change, as detailed in the submitted report, be noted.


(b)  That the Council’s continued support for the Climate Change Working Group, be confirmed.


REASON -  To enable the Council to achieve a net carbon neutral status for Darlington Borough Council.