Issue - decisions

Project Position Statement and Capital Programme Monitoring - Quarter 2

14/01/2021 - Project Position Statement and Capital Programme Monitoring - Quarter 2

The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report (previously circulated) together with a report (also previously circulated) which was being considered by Cabinet at its meeting to be held on 10 November 2020, giving a summary of the latest capital resource and commitment position  to inform monitoring of the affordability and funding of the Council’s capital programme, together with an update on the current status of all the significant construction projects which were currently being undertaken by the Council. 


It was reported that the Council had a substantial annual construction programme of work which was delivering a wide range of improvements to the Council’s assets and more critically to Council services and that there were currently 39 live projects currently being managed with an overall projected outturn value of £126 million with the majority of those projects running to time, cost and quality expectations with no foreseeable issues. 


Attached to the report was a project position statement which was required to be completed by all project managers for all projects over £75,000 and which brought together details of the current live construction projects up to the end of August 2020 by delivery area and provided details on the numbers, the current status position on each project with regards to budget and completion and any comments on current issues.


Further to previous comments made by Members in relation to the information contained in the project position statement, it was reported that the Project in a Box system was now in the delivery phase and the testing and implementation plans were being developed to enable better reporting to be achieved.

Members requested updates on a number of the projects namely the West Cemetery and the Rise Carr and Red Hall SEND projects and whether there were any cost implications due to any delays as a result of Covid 19 and the Officers gave appropriate responses thereon. 

RESOLVED – That the report be received.


16/11/2020 - Project Position Statement and Capital Programme Monitoring - Quarter Two 2020/21

The Cabinet Member with the Resources Portfolio introduced the report of the Managing Director and Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services (previously circulated) providing a summary of the latest Capital resource and commitment position, to inform monitoring of the affordability and funding of the Council’s capital programme; an update on the current status of all construction projects currently being undertaken by the Council; and requesting that consideration be given to a number of changes to the programme.


The submitted report stated that the projected outturn of the current Capital Programme was £254.530m against an approved programme of £254.545m; the investment was delivering a wide range of improvements to the Council’s assets and services; the programme, including commitments, remained affordable; the Council had 39 live projects, with an overall project outturn value of £126.126m, the majority of which were running to time; and that the projects were managed either by the Council’s in-house management team, a Framework Partner or by Consultants source via an open/OJEU tender process.


A request was made at the meeting for information on the impact of Covd-19, on the capital projects, in respect of finances and timeliness of those projects moving forward.


RESOLVED - (a)  That the status position on construction projects, as detailed in the submitted report, be noted.


(b)  That the projected capital expenditure and resources, as detailed in the submitted report, be noted.


(c)  That the adjustments to resources, as detailed in paragraph 22 of the submitted report, be approved.


REASONS - (a)  To inform Cabinet of the current status of construction projects.


(b)  To make Cabinet aware of the latest financial position of the Council.


(c)  To maintain effective management of resources.