Issue - decisions

Town Centre Car Parking

21/09/2020 - Town Centre Car Parking

The Cabinet Members with the Local Services Portfolio introduced the report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services (previously circulated) providing an update on Town Centre Car Parking charges and requesting that consideration be given to providing funding to enable a range of parking offers to continue until the end of December 2020.


The submitted report stated that a series of parking officers had been approved to support the town centre in June 2018 and October 2019 (Minutes C11/Jun/18 and C53(3)/Oct/19 refer respectively); in response to Covid-19 all parking charges ceased to support the control of the virus; financial provision had been provided to continue with free parking until the end of September 2020; as the recovery continued demand for parking had grown; and outlined the financial, legal and equality implications of continuing with a number of parking offers in the Town Centre.


Particular references were made at the meeting to the carbon impact of the proposals; the value for money of implementing the proposed offers; the amount of funding spent to promote and encourage other forms of transport, in the Town Centre, such as cycling; and the availability of places to store bikes securely in the Town Centre.  Reference was also made to the impact on the Town Centre of those offers and if there was any supporting evidence that the increase in demand for car parking was due to a shift from one form of transport to another rather than increasing the number of people visiting the Town Centre.  The Cabinet Member with the Local Services Portfolio responded to those issues thereon.


RESOLVED – That the parking offers, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the submitted report, be approved, and it be recommended to Council, as its meeting scheduled to be held on 24 September 2020 that:-


(i)             £392,883 of additional funding be released to extend the parking offers, as outlined in Appendix 1 of the submitted report, until the end of December 2020, to be funded from General Fund Reserves; and

(ii)            the long stay parking offer in East Street car park be retained permanently.


REASONS - (a)  To approve the amendment to charges.


(b)  To support the recovery of the town centre.?????