Issue - decisions

Repair to the Victorian Indoor Market

16/10/2020 - Repair to the Victorian Indoor Market Roof

The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio introduced the report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to the release of previously agreed capital funds for the repairs to the roof at the Victorian Indoor Market.


The submitted report stated that in 2017 the Council entered a lease with Market Asset Management Darlington Ltd (MAM) for the management and refurbishment of the Victorian Indoor Market and the management and improvement of Darlington’s outdoor market; as part of the contract negotiations with MAM it was acknowledged that the market roof was in a poor state of repair which the Council had made previous financial provision to address and repair; this commitment was over and above the agreed works MAM would carry out, to ensure that the market functioned in a more efficient manner and to transform the market, with the provision of high quality street food scene, bar and events stage, an enhanced entrance, improved trading floor for market traders and additional public toilets; and that there was currently £300,000 set aside for this work.


It was reported that MAM had carried out a tender and procurement exercise to identify a contractor to complete the repairs to the market hall roof; the cost of the works was £240,128; once this work was complete, phase 1 of the redevelopment of the market hall would commence in early 2021; the balance of £59,872 was set aside as a contingency for any unforeseen additional works that may be required; and that the final cost of works would be reported to a future meeting of Cabinet in the Capital Programme Monitoring Outturn report.


RESOLVED - That £300,000 from the agreed capital budget, be released, for the works to commence to repair the Victorian Indoor Market Roof.


REASON – Contributing to the ongoing commitment to the full refurbishment of the Victorian Indoor Market will have a positive impact upon the economic wellbeing and vitality of the Town Centre.