Issue - decisions

Schools Admissions 2021/22

12/02/2021 - Schools Admissions 2022/23

The Cabinet Member with the Children and Young People Portfolio introduced the report Director of Children and Adults Services (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to the Local Authority’s admission arrangements (also previously circulated) for the 2022/23 academic year for maintained schools in the Borough.


The submitted report stated that in line with the School Admissions Code, an Admission Authority was required to annually determine the admission arrangements used to allocate places for schools for which it was the admission authority.


Particular reference was made at the meeting to the number of in-term transfers.


RESOLVED -  That the admission arrangements, as appended to the submitted report, for community and voluntary controlled schools for which Darlington Local Authority was the admission authority, be approved.


REASON - All admission authorities are under a statutory duty to determine admission arrangements for schools for which it was the admission authority for the academic year 2022/2023.