The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio introduced the report of the Chief Executive (previously circulated) updating Cabinet on the progress made towards the Council’s net zero target.
The submitted report stated that following the Council’s Climate Emergency Declaration in July 2019, a Sustainability and Climate Change Lead Officer had been appointed; a Climate Change Strategy and action plan had been produced and adopted; and that a trajectory of 30 per cent reduction in the Council’s emission every five years had been agreed at Cabinet (Minute C51(2)/Oct/21 refers).
It was reported that the Council’s emissions for 2021/22 were 6,592 tonnes/CO2; the emissions reported were made up of the energy use in council buildings, business mileage, fleet emissions and streetlighting and signs; emissions from the Council’s supply chain or from waste were not measured; the district heating network feasibility study had, owing to a number of factors, had advised that the risk to the Council from taking either of the two potential options forward was too great to proceed at this time; and that the Council had been asked to take part in a heat network zoning pilot to help test the government’s approach to designating heat network zones
Particular reference was made at the meeting to the number of Council officers who had not completed the mandatory climate change training and requested that the option of measuring emissions from the supply chain and waste be kept under review. The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio responded thereon.
RESOLVED - That the report be noted.
REASONS - (a) As a public organisation the Council has a duty to meet its obligation in reducing its carbon footprint and achieve its net zero target.
(b) With increasing public pressure to act on climate change, the Council is at risk of significant reputation damage if it fails to deliver on its stated commitment to dealing with the Council’s contribution to climate change.