Issue - decisions

Xentrall Shared Services Annual Report

12/07/2021 - Xentrall Shared Services Annual Report 2020/21

The Cabinet Member with the Resources Portfolio introduced the report of the Group Director of Operations (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to reviewing the progress and performance of Xentrall Shared Services, the Stockton and Darlington Partnership.


The submitted report stated that Xentrall Shared Services, the Stockton and Darlington Partnership, was established in May 2008 and was now in its thirteenth year; the agreement covered ICT (strategy and operations), Transactional HR, Transactional Finance and Design and Print; the initial savings that were identified were £7.4M over the original ten year period of the partnership; and that those savings had been achieved plus additional efficiencies and benefits and significant additional savings; quality and performance of services had improved; and that in recognition of the success of the partnership it had been amended in 2015 from the original ten year period into an on-going rolling agreement.


The Cabinet Member with the Health and Housing Portfolio referred to the work that had been undertaken by Xentrall Shared Services over the last year to ensure that the Council’s services continued to be provided, as well as providing additional support, in respect of the COVID-19 pandemic.


RESOLVED – (a)  That the report be noted and the continuing success of Xentrall Shared Services over the thirteen years since it was formed, be acknowledged.


(b)  That the thanks of Cabinet be extended to Xentrall Shared Services, for their work during the COVID-19 pandemic.


REASONS – (a) To allow Members to receive information about the progress of the partnership.


(b)  To extend the thanks of Cabinet to Xentrall Shared Services.