Issue - decisions

Supporting the Childhood Health Weight Plan for Darlington

12/03/2021 - Supporting the Childhood Health Weight Plan for Darlington

The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio introduced the report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to commencing a review of the available planning powers that could be used to support the Council’s objectives of achieving the targets set in the Childhood Health Weight Plan for Darlington.

The submitted report stated that Planning could influence the built environment to improve health and reduce obesity and excess weight in local communities; Local Planning Authorities could have a role in enabling a healthier environment by supporting opportunities for communities to access a wide range of healthier food production and consumption choices; Local Planning Authorities could consider bringing forward, where supported by an evidence base, local planning policies and supplementary planning documents, which would limit the proliferation of certain use classes in identified areas, where planning permission was required; and that in doing so, evidence and guidance produced by local public health colleagues and Health and Wellbeing Boards might be relevant.


Reference was made to a number of issues that Local Planning Authorities and planning applicants could have particular regard to including:- proximity to locations where children and young people congregate such as schools, community centres and playgrounds; evidence indicating high levels of obesity, deprivation and general poor health in specific locations; over-concentration and clustering of certain use classes within a specified area; residential amenity – odours and noise impact; traffic impact; refuse and litter; over proliferation – where the number of approved establishments within the Ward equalled or exceeded the UK national average per 1000 population; and opening hours.


A Member in attendance at the meeting addressed Cabinet in respect of the ratio of fast food outlets per 1000 compared to the UK national average and requested that consideration be given to widening input into the process at an early stage.  Discussion ensued on the issues around childhood obesity; the timescales for the process; and the benefits of introducing Supplementary Planning Guidance. The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio responded thereon.


RESOLVED -  (a)  That officers be requested to explore the merits of adopting the available planning powers through the development of an evidence base and the analysis of good practice elsewhere in the country which would assist in addressing childhood obesity.


(b)  That in conducting the review detailed at (a) above, officers be requested to consult with the Health and Wellbeing Board.


(c)  That a report be brought back to a future Cabinet meeting.

REASON - To contribute to the further health and wellbeing of the Town.