Issue - decisions

Performance Indicators Quarter 1 - 2018/19

16/01/2019 - Performance Indicators Quarter 1 - 2018/19

The Managing Director submitted a report (previously circulated) to provide Members with performance data against key performance indicators for 2018/19 at Quarter 1.


The submitted report provided performance information in line with an indicator set and Scrutiny Committee distribution agreed by Monitoring and Coordination Group on 4 June 2018, and subsequently by Scrutiny Committee chairs. The submitted report stated that the ten reportable indicators were aligned with key priorities and that the majority were used to monitor the Corporate Plan 2017/21.

Members entered into discussion on how complaints were processed before being forwarded to the Ombudsman, any financial implications relating to complaints, the percentage collection of Council Tax in year and the work conducted to specifically target the unrecovered amount at the end of each financial year.  

RESOLVED – (a) That the performance information provided in this report is reviewed and noted, and that relevant queries be raised with appropriate Assistant Directors.


(b) That a more detailed report be submitted to this Committee outlining the recovery levels and on-going work associated with the collection of outstanding Council Tax at the end of each financial year.