Issue - decisions

Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG)

12/07/2021 - Disabled Facilities Grant 2021/22

The Cabinet Member with the Adults Portfolio introduced the report of the Group Director of People (previously circulated) advising Members of the capital resources available for Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) during 2021/22 and requesting that consideration be given to the release of those resources to enable them to be utilised in accordance with Darlington Borough Council Disabled Facilities Grant and Regulatory Reform Order Policy 2021/23.


The submitted report stated that DFG’s assisted people to live independently by helping to fund suitable adaptations to their properties; the maximum grant payable was £30,000 per application which was subject to a statutory means test; the grants were available to owner-occupiers, tenants of private rented properties and Housing Association tenants; and that DFG’s were governed by housing legislation and, had set conditions for payment, within those regulations.


It was also reported that the Council had a shared service agreement in place with Durham County Council to provide a Home Improvement Agency service to provide guidance and practical assistance to people who were older, disabled or on low incomes to claim a DFG to repair, improve or adapt their homes.  The Agency also provided support to people until the work was completed and the contractor had been paid.


RESOLVED – That the Disabled Facilities Grants for 2020/21 and 2021/22, as detailed in the submitted report, be agreed and the capital funding be released.


REASON - To enable the adaptations for those individuals who were eligible to receive a Disabled Facilities Grant for 2020-21 and 2021-22 to proceed.