Issue - decisions

Household Support Fund (HSF)

05/01/2022 - Household Support Fund (HSF)

The Winter Food Support scheme (run in 2020-21) is considered the most effective and efficient way to distribute the majority of the HSF. It is an established and effective system which directly helps approx. 4,100 children and their families most in need with minimal administration costs. It was therefore decided:
To issue a £20 voucher per child to all qualifying households over the October half-term.
Increase the voucher amount to £30 per child per week for the remaining school holidays (Christmas, February half-term and Easter).
In line with the previous Winter Grant funding scheme, it was decided to continue with the Care leaver vouchers at £150 per qualifying care leaver.
The Bread and Butter Thing (TBBT) to run a scheme to register more people with TBBT. A ‘come and try us’ campaign is to be run to offer up to 900 new TBBT members a free food bag worth £7.50.

TBBT to provide free food bags for those most in need struggling to meet the cost. This will run over a 13 week period, providing free food bags to approx. 240 recipients.
TBBT to run a campaign to deliver Fuel Bank vouchers to members of TBBT. The value of each voucher would be £49 and the number of current beneficiaries is 1,421. The TBBT options are to be worked up in more detail and publicised. An appropriate amount for administration and publicity to be identified.

Reason for the Decision

The delivery options best meet the eligibility criteria set by the Government, meet local need and deliver support for food and energy bills to those most in need and within the timescales set by Government.