Issue - decisions

Land at Faverdale - Burtree Garden Village Development

09/12/2022 - Land at Faverdale - Burtree Garden Village Development

The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio introduced the report of the Chief Executive (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to negotiating the necessary approvals and agreements required to facilitate the next stage of the delivery of the Burtree Garden Village.


The submitted report stated that at the time of writing the report Homes England were preparing the submission of a hybrid planning application for the delivery of phase 1 of the proposed Burtree Garden Village development; the hybrid planning application, which included circa 35 acres of Council owned land at High Faverdale Farm would be detailed for the spine/link road and outline for the remainder of Phase 1, as shown as AB on the plan (also previously circulated); work was being undertaken by Homes England on a number of issues including viability, Section 106, and Nutrient Neutrality; and stated that as a result the financial and development position, as far as the Council’s land was affected, was subject to clarification.


It was reported that the fallback position for the Council was that before granting access onto the Council’s land to build the road and the enabling infrastructure, terms would need to be agreed for an Infrastructure Development Agreement; the Council was endeavouring to agree a high-level Promoter Agreement with Homes England to agree the principles of the planning application; and that there were also independent proposals for a temporary Construction and Skills Hub on the Council’s land, at cell CH on the plan (also previously circulated).


RESOLVED – (a)  That Homes England’s proposal to submit a hybrid planning application for Phase 1 of Burtree Garden Village to include Council owned land at High Faverdale Farm, as shown on the plan appended to the submitted report, be noted.


(b)  That Delegated Authority be granted to the Assistant Director of Economic Growth in consultation with respective portfolio holders, to negotiate and agree the necessary approvals and agreements required to facilitate the work, as detailed in the submitted report.


(c)  That the Assistant Director Law and Governance be authorised to complete any associated legal agreements.


REASONS – (a)  To promote new development and Economic Growth.


(b)  To establish the Council’s position as landowner of part of the development site and to enable the necessary degree of control to benefit from a share of any capital receipt made from the development.