Executive post

Leader of the Council




1.    To appoint a Deputy Leader for a four-year term of office.


2.    To appoint the number of Cabinet Members, a minimum of three and a maximum of nine, and allocate the Portfolio’s to each Cabinet Member.


3.    To make decisions, draw up the budget and make new policies alone or with Cabinet (a simple majority of Councillors can reject a proposal from the Leader/Cabinet).


4.    To make arrangements for the discharge of the functions which under Regulations are the responding of Cabinet.


5.    In addition to leadership of corporate strategy for the Council, including reputation, legislation, partnerships and policy, the Leader will :-


·       represent the Council as required at national and regional level and on Regional and Tees Valley bodies, including the Tees Valley Combined Authority;

·       lead on Transformation and the Business Model;

·       lead on international partnerships and Town Twinning; and

·       lead on Darlington Partnership 


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