Executive post

Resources Portfolio





·       Financial Management within the Council including Medium Term Financial (MTFP), Treasury management, local taxation and Risk management and Insurance

·       Oversight of Transformation and Business Model implementation

·       Oversight of the Council’s Corporate Planning process including the Organisational Development Strategy (ODS), Performance management and the efficiency programme

·       Corporate Landlord

·       Land and Property Asset Management

·       Corporate Procurement

·       Information Communication Technology (ICT)

·       Human Resources

·       Health and Safety

·       Communications and One Darlington magazine

·       Oversight of the Building Services division

·       Housing Benefits

·       Discretionary Rate Relief

·       The Council’s Customer Strategy and oversight of the Council’s Customer Services and insight functions

·       Legal/Democratic/Registrars

·       Oversight of the Councils Shared Services Partnership Xentrall

·       Oversight of the capital projects and design services management