Issue details

New Build Council Housing – Wordsworth Road, Demolition and Rebuild

On 11th July 2017, a report to Cabinet (New Build Council Housing) approved the council to proceed with new build schemes. The Director of Neighbourhood Services & Resources (Subsequently the responsibility of the Director of Economic Growth) was given delegated powers to proceed with additional new build schemes for affordable rent using the investment fund allocation (£17.7m).

Following a serious incident a block of 4 apartments suffered extensive damage and became structurally unsound. It was deemed the most cost effective and efficient option was to demolish and reinstate with two family houses using funding from the Council’s insurance policy with the shortfall being supported by the investment fund.

Implementation date of 15 January 2019.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/06/2019

Decision due: 15 Jan 2019 by Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services

Contact: Ian Williams, Chief Executive Email: [email protected].
