Meeting attendance

Tuesday, 13th August, 2024 9.30 am, General Licensing Sub Committee

Venue:   Council Chamber, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Contact:    Paul Dalton, Democratic and Elections Officer, Operations Group
Email:  [email protected] or Tel 01325 405805

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Jim Langley Officer Expected
Thomas Mann Council Staff Expected
Charley Trueman Council Staff Expected
Colin Dobson Officer Expected
Carol Glasper Officer Expected
Brian Murray Officer Expected
Sgt. Caroline Dickenson Officer Expected
Sgt Charlotte Martin Officer Expected
PC Alan Newcombe Officer Expected
PC Iain Robertson Public Expected
PA Support Assistants Public Expected
Councillor Anne-Marie Curry Committee Member Expected
Councillor Bob Donoghue The Mayor Expected
Councillor Ian Haszeldine Committee Member Expected
Councillor Sonia Kane Committee Member Expected
Councillor David Ray Committee Member Expected
Paul Dalton Officer Expected