Issue - decisions

Contract Procedure Rules Waiver - Provision of Refuge Accomodation and Support for People Affected by Domestic Abuse

04/12/2019 - Contract Procedure Rules Waiver - Provision of Refuge Accomodation and Support for People Affected by Domestic Abuse

That contract procedure rules be waived in respect of the extension of a contract for the provision of refuge accomodation and support for people affected by domestic abuse, for an extension period of 12 months, with a further option to extend for 12 months.
Value for money is confirmed and the price is as established in a competitive exercise.

Reasons - (a) To allow for impacts of the Domestic Abuse Bill (once enacted) to be assessed to inform future service requirements and possible funding implications.
(b) Work will focus on co-ordination of Domestic Abuse services in Darlington to ensure service delivery is maximised.
(c) The current contracted rate will remain for the extension period and is providing value for money.