Meeting attendance

Monday, 23rd August, 2021 9.30 am, Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee

Venue:   The Council Chamber, Town Hall, Darlington DL1 5QT

Contact:    Allison Hill, Democratic Officer, Resources Group
email:  [email protected] or telephone 01325 405997

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Sajna Ali Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Mrs Pauline Culley Committee Member Present
Councillor Ian Bell Committee Member Absent
Councillor Paul Crudass Chair Present
Councillor Cyndi Hughes Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Eleanor Lister O.B.E Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Hilary Lucas Committee Member Absent
Councillor Mike Renton Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Matthew Snedker Committee Member Present
Councillor Jack Sowerby Committee Member Present
Councillor David Willis Vice-Chair Present
Malcolm Frank Statutory Co-optees (Non-elected, voting) Absent
Carly Spence Statutory Co-optees (Non-elected, voting) Apologies
Maura Regan Non-Statutory Co-optees (Non-elected, non-voting) Absent
Tim Fisher Non-Statutory Co-optees (Non-elected, non-voting) Apologies
Nick Lindsay Non-Statutory Co-optees (Non-elected, non-voting) Apologies
Janet Woodcock Non-Statutory Co-optees (Non-elected, non-voting) Absent
John Armitage Non-Statutory Co-optees (Non-elected, non-voting) Apologies
Jane Kochanowski Officer In attendance
Sharon Raine Officer Apologies
Allison Hill Officer In attendance
Tony Murphy Officer Apologies
Ken Ross Officer Apologies
Chris Bell Officer Apologies
Calvin Kipling Officer In attendance