Your Councillors by Party

The Council consists of 50 Councillors (Members) representing 20 Wards (24 Labour Group Members, 13 Conservative Group Members, 7 Green Group Members, 2 Liberal Democrat Group Members and 4 Independent Members).

Councillors are elected by the community to decide how the council should carry out its various activities. They are democratically accountable to the whole community, but they have a special duty to their constituents, including those that did not vote for them. They receive an allowance for their work.

An annual Stronger Communities Fund of £1,000 is allocated to every Councillor. This can be used to support individuals or community groups who come within the terms of the scheme and the Councillor decides who should receive the funding. For more information about the scheme, you can contact [email protected]

All Councillors are required to abide by a Code of Conduct for Members and Co-opted Members to ensure high standards of probity in the discharge of their responsibilities. Any person may make a written complaint to the Council’s Monitoring Officer in relation to a breach of the Code.

To find your councillor please use the below links. If you are unable to contact a Councillor please contact Democratic Services (Tel. 01325 406444 [email protected]) who can forward a message to the Councillor concerned on your behalf.

Councillor by Party
Photograph Councillor Political party Ward
photo of Councillor Sajna Ali

Councillor Sajna Ali

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work: 01325 405998

Home: [email protected]

Labour Northgate
photo of Councillor Andrew Anderson

Councillor Andrew Anderson

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07837 225041

Work: [email protected]

Labour Bank Top and Lascelles
photo of Councillor Rebecca Baker

Councillor Rebecca Baker

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07805 806420

Work: [email protected]

Labour Brinkburn and Faverdale
photo of Councillor David Beckett

Councillor David Beckett

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07982 847837

Work: [email protected]

Labour Brinkburn and Faverdale
photo of Councillor Jan Cossins

Councillor Jan Cossins

12 Elvet Place, Darlington, DL3 0DA

Home: 01325 241124

Work: [email protected]

Labour Cockerton
photo of Councillor Helen Crumbie

Councillor Helen Crumbie

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Feethams, DL1 5QT

Work: 07743 191014

Work: [email protected]

Labour Bank Top and Lascelles
photo of Councillor Joe Dillon

Councillor Joe Dillon

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07939 221166

Work: [email protected]

Labour Eastbourne
photo of Councillor Jim Garner

Councillor Jim Garner

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 01325 241384

Work: [email protected]

Labour Cockerton
photo of Councillor Stephen Harker

Councillor Stephen Harker

Leader of the Council

Elm Court, Tower Road, Darlington, DL3 6RU

Home: 01325 380039

Work: [email protected]

Labour Pierremont
photo of Councillor Ian Haszeldine

Councillor Ian Haszeldine

206 Hundens Lane, Darlington, DL1 1JB

Home: 07807381613

Work: [email protected]

Labour Stephenson
photo of Councillor Neil Johnson

Councillor Neil Johnson

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07963 524090

Work: [email protected]

Labour Cockerton
photo of Councillor Sonia Kane

Councillor Sonia Kane

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work: 01325 486754

Work: [email protected]

Labour Northgate
photo of Councillor Mary Layton

Councillor Mary Layton

9 Oakhurst Road, Darlington, DL3 6SF

Home: 01325 491802

Home mobile: 07460 980776

Work: [email protected]

Labour Pierremont
photo of Councillor Mohammad Mahmud

Councillor Mohammad Mahmud

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07828 898799

Work: [email protected]

Labour Stephenson
photo of Councillor Libby McCollom

Councillor Libby McCollom

Cabinet Member for Local Services

3 Lears Residence, 4-6 Horsemarket, Darlington, DL1 5BW

Home mobile: 07910 369887

Work: [email protected]

Labour Park East
photo of Councillor Chris McEwan

Councillor Chris McEwan

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economy

8 Millrace Close, Darlington, DL1 3SQ

Home mobile: 07947 016598

Work: [email protected]

Labour Haughton and Springfield
photo of Councillor James McGill

Councillor James McGill

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07964 670793

Work: [email protected]

Labour Pierremont
photo of Councillor Michael Nicholson

Councillor Michael Nicholson

25 Coleridge Gardens, Darlington, DL1 5AJ

Home: 01325 240750

Work: [email protected]

Labour Park East
photo of Councillor Mandy Porter

Councillor Mandy Porter

Cabinet Member for Resources

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07962 363855

Home: [email protected]

Labour Red Hall and Lingfield
photo of Councillor David Ray

Councillor David Ray

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07966 048647

Work: [email protected]

Labour Bank Top and Lascelles
photo of Councillor Dr Amanda Riley

Councillor Dr Amanda Riley

Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07764 759554

Work: [email protected]

Labour Red Hall and Lingfield
photo of Councillor Matthew Roche

Councillor Matthew Roche

Cabinet Member for Health and Housing

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL3 8UD

Work mobile: 07403 208120

Work: [email protected]

Labour Park East
photo of Councillor Dawn Storr

Councillor Dawn Storr

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07543 159224

Work: [email protected]

Labour Haughton and Springfield
photo of Councillor Nick Wallis

Councillor Nick Wallis

Cabinet Member for Children and Young People

Meadowfield Cottage, Little Stainton, Darlington, TS21 1HN

Home mobile: 07960 247554

Work: [email protected]

Labour Haughton and Springfield
photo of Councillor Jamie Bartch BA, MA

Councillor Jamie Bartch BA, MA

Darlington Borough Councl, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07716 680109

Work: [email protected]

Conservative Whinfield
photo of Councillor Paul Crudass

Councillor Paul Crudass

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Home: 01325 374537

Work: [email protected]

Conservative Heighington and Coniscliffe
photo of Councillor Mrs Pauline Culley MBE

Councillor Mrs Pauline Culley MBE

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Home: 01325 250482

Work mobile: 07754 221665

Work: [email protected]

Conservative Mowden
photo of Councillor Bob Donoghue

Councillor Bob Donoghue


Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Home mobile: 07767 294194

Work: [email protected]

Conservative Park West
photo of Councillor Jonathan Dulston

Councillor Jonathan Dulston

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Home mobile: 07775 555251

Work: [email protected]

Conservative Eastbourne
photo of Councillor Scott Durham

Councillor Scott Durham

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Home mobile: 07805 505156

Work: [email protected]

Conservative Brinkburn and Faverdale
photo of Councillor Andy Keir

Councillor Andy Keir

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Home mobile: 07597 297654

Work: [email protected]

Conservative Whinfield
photo of Councillor Deborah Laing

Councillor Deborah Laing

Democratic Services, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work: 01325 406444 (Democratic)

Work mobile: 07747 863297

Work: [email protected]

Conservative Sadberge and Middleton St. George
photo of Councillor Gerald Lee

Councillor Gerald Lee

1 Greenhill Road, Heighington, Darlington, DL5 6RN

Home: 01325 314622

Work: [email protected]

Conservative Heighington and Coniscliffe
photo of Councillor Alan Marshall

Councillor Alan Marshall

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Home: 01325 359138

Home mobile: 07807 523106

Work: [email protected]

Conservative Mowden
photo of Councillor Mrs Heather Scott OBE

Councillor Mrs Heather Scott OBE

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Home: 01325 468547

Work: [email protected]

Conservative Park West
photo of Councillor Lorraine Tostevin

Councillor Lorraine Tostevin

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Home: 01325 333382

Work: [email protected]

Conservative Hurworth
photo of Councillor Paul Walters

Councillor Paul Walters

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work: 01325 722097

Work: [email protected]

Conservative Hurworth
photo of Councillor Roz Henderson

Councillor Roz Henderson

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07967 213584

Work: [email protected]

Green Party Harrowgate Hill
photo of Councillor Bryony Holroyd PhD

Councillor Bryony Holroyd PhD

Democratic Services, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07570 776553

Work: [email protected]

Green Party College
photo of Councillor Richard Lawley

Councillor Richard Lawley

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07779 993336

Work: [email protected]

Green Party Harrowgate Hill
photo of Councillor Kate Mammolotti

Councillor Kate Mammolotti

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07949 222733

Work: [email protected]

Green Party Hummersknott
photo of Councillor Thomas Robinson

Councillor Thomas Robinson

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL3 8UD

Work mobile: 07735 310357

Work: [email protected]

Green Party Hummersknott
photo of Councillor Matthew Snedker

Councillor Matthew Snedker

161 Woodland Road, Darlington, DL3 9ND

Home mobile: 07780 807059

Work: [email protected]

Green Party College
photo of Councillor Anna-Maria Toms

Councillor Anna-Maria Toms

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07954 719211

Work: [email protected]

Green Party Harrowgate Hill
photo of Councillor James Coe

Councillor James Coe

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07828 178276

Work: [email protected]

Independent North Road
photo of Councillor Kevin Nicholson

Councillor Kevin Nicholson

Democratic Services, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Home: 07791 807629

Work: [email protected]

Independent Eastbourne
photo of Councillor Colin Pease

Councillor Colin Pease

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07738 422776

Work: [email protected]

Independent Sadberge and Middleton St. George
photo of Councillor Yvonne Renton

Councillor Yvonne Renton

Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work mobile: 07486 617516

Work: [email protected]

Independent Sadberge and Middleton St. George
photo of Councillor Hilary Allen

Councillor Hilary Allen

Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT

Work: 01325 480277

Work: [email protected]

Liberal Democrats North Road
photo of Councillor Anne-Marie Curry

Councillor Anne-Marie Curry

Cabinet Member for Adults

17 Westbrook, Darlington, DL3 6TD

Home mobile: 07531 304050

Work: [email protected]

Liberal Democrats North Road