Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Darlington DL1 5QT. View directions
Contact: Paul Dalton, Elections Officer, Operations Group E-Mail: [email protected] or telephone 01325 405805
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chair for the Municipal Year 2023/2024 Minutes: |
Appointment of Vice Chair for the Municipal Year 2023/2024 Minutes: |
To consider the times of meetings of this Committee for the Municipal Year 2023/2024 on the dates agreed in the Calendar of Meetings by Cabinet at Minute C258/Feb/23 Minutes: |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: |
To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting of this Committee held on 22 March 2023 Minutes: |
Minutes: |
Copse Haven, Roundhill Road (22/01194/FUL) Additional documents: Minutes: |
Copse Haven, Roundhill Road (22/01160/FUL) Additional documents: Minutes: |
Additional documents: Minutes: |
61 Pinewood Crescent Additional documents: Minutes: |
Notification of Decision on Appeals
The Chief Executive will report that, Inspectors, appointed by the Secretary of State for the Environment, have :-
Dismissed the appeal by Cornerstone against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for the installation of telecoms equipment including 17.5m high monopole supporting 6 no. antennas and 2 no. 300mm dishes, installation of 2 no equipment cabinets, bollards and associated ancillary works (amended plans received 17 March 2022) at Land at Abbey Road Sports Field, Abbey Road, Darlington (21/01445/PA) (Copy of Inspector’s decision enclosed)
Dismissed the appeal by MBNL against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for the ‘telecommunications installation of a 20.00m High H3G Phase 7 Monopole and associated ancillary works’ at Coniscliffe Road, Opposite the New Grange Hotel, Coniscliffe Road, Darlington, DL3 7HZ. (22/01112/PA) (Copy of Inspector’s decision enclosed).
RECOMMENDED – That the report be received. Additional documents: Minutes: |
Notification of Appeals
The Chief Executive will report that :-
Mr David Williams has appealed against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for Construction of a carport within front boundary (Retrospective Application) at 26A Gate Lane, Low Coniscliffe, Darlington (22/01064/FUL)
Vivid Outdoor Media Solutions (B) Ltd has appealed against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for the Display of 1 no. free standing internally illuminated LED digital advertisement display unit at Harrowgate Sports and Social Club, Salters Lane North, DARLINGTON, DL1 3DT (23/00043/ADV)
Mr Nick Cooper has appealed against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for the Erection of porch to front elevation (re-submission) at 37 Leach Grove, Darlington DL3 0TW (23/00068/FUL)
RECOMMENDED – That the report be received. Minutes: |
To consider the Exclusion of the Public and Press RECOMMENDED - That, pursuant to Sections 100B(5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the ensuing item on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in exclusion paragraph 7 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Act. Minutes: |
Complaints Received and Being Considered Under the Council's Approved Code of Practice as of 2nd June 2023 (Exclusion Paragraph No. 7) Report of Director of the Chief Executive Additional documents:
Minutes: |